If you are a Real Estate agent or home owner selling your home in Dean Park Estates, here is the process to ensure you are using the correct signage.
- Please contact Randy Merkell at Premier Post Installations by phone (250-884-9042); or use their website https://www.premierpost.ca which has a request form for your install request. Premier Posts Installations holds the inventory of posts and the board with the logo that hangs from the post.
- Then please contact Leya Costa at Creative Sign Design (sales@creativesigndesign.ca) or phone (250-480-1747) to purchase the smaller boards with your sale and contact information. Leya has the correct conforming format and colour scheme for your sign. Once your sign is ready, you can pick it up from her at #5-416 Garbally Rd. and leave it at the listing, or Premier Post Installations can pick it up for a $25 fee. When you are ready for install, contact Premier Post Installations via the website at: https://www.premierpost.ca for your install request.
- When the property is sold, the agent or seller contacts Premier Post Installations via the website to request a removal. The total cost for the install and removal service is $85.00 plus taxes which includes rental of the post and hanging board, installation of the sign and removal and storage of your sign.